A facelift is among the common procedures in cosmetic surgery. The surgeon tightens the facial muscles and removes the excess fat during surgery. He also takes out the excess skin, pulls, and sutures the remaining skin. Facelift surgery touches on the face, the neck, or both. The result is firmer, smoother facial skin.
Men and women go for facelifts to erase signs of aging on the face and neck, such as saggy skin and wrinkles. Most people clients are of ages above 40, but younger people who qualify can have it.
Although facelift surgery is relatively basic, not all people are suited for it. Here are the characteristics that will make you a good candidate for a facelift.
A person looks into cosmetic surgery because he or she desires to enhance or uplift their appearance. The face is the focus of most surgical procedures because people are recognized by it. As such, a person will want his or her face to be the most attractive part of the body.
People looking to have a facelift have tried several non-invasive procedures or treatments without reaching the desired success. They turn to an invasive surgical solution for greater permanent results. Thus, to have a facelift, the individual must have the drive to improve his or her appearance.
A facelift is ideal for persons whose skin has some elasticity despite being loose, and whose bone structure is strong. Since a facelift stretches your skin, elasticity makes the after-surgery skin look supple, producing great results. The skin also heals faster and better. The bones are the primary support structure for the skin. A weak structure may necessitate facial implants and dermal fillers.
Any invasive cosmetic procedure requires that the patient is in good health before the surgery. Therefore, to be a candidate for a facelift, you must not have serious health issues. Most surgeons turn away patients with conditions like bleeding disorder, depression, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Obesity and smoking or drinking too much are also hindrances to surgery. The doctor may ask you to quit smoking 2-4 weeks before and 2-4 weeks after the facelift. If you do this, the body has an easier time healing. Patients who do not smoke are asked to keep away from smokers to avoid secondhand smoke.
When deciding whether surgery is good for you, the surgeon will also seek an in-depth discussion regarding your health. He will inquire about your lifestyle, existing conditions, and supplements or medications you take. Inform your doctor even about any products you may be taking that do not need a prescription. Mention any herbal products and vitamins. Some elements increase the risk of bleeding and prevent the working of medications issued during surgery.
A facelift focuses on addressing some aging signs, but it is limited in fixing others. If the surgeon feels that the facelift is not appropriate for your concerns, he will inform you of alternative solutions that would better address your issue.
The above qualities describe a good candidate for a facelift. A thorough consultation with a cosmetic surgeon will investigate your suitability further. For a consultation, visit the Weston Med Spa & Cosmetic Surgery in Weston, Florida. You can also call 954-507-4494 to book your appointment.